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Simple soccer ball character with hand and leg with 3 animation I want a character. Ball character with hand and legs. It has 3 animation- 1. Running 2. Fighting like punching. ..
Android App Developement required for sports coaching I need an Android app. I would like it designed and built. Skills: Mobile App Development , Android..
Game Development in soccer like NHL Only experience people who have good exp game development with proven records Skills: Game Development , Game Design , Mobile App Development , iPhone , ..
i need a soccer website I m looking for someone who can make a soccer site for me like this [login to view URL] before applying make sure you go through ..
Sports writer Writer needed to write MMA (mixed martial arts articles) for website. Writer must have familiarity with the the sport/fighters and organizations like UFC, Bellator. Writer may be asked to ..
Write an Article on Soccer Rebounders Topic: Soccer rebounders buying guide Sub-Topics : - Things to consider before buying the soccer rebounder. - How to Build a soccer rebounder. - Soccer ..
Need editors for Football/Soccer related FB page Need Active editors to work for a Football /Soccer related facebook page with more than 35K followers. Only people having prior experience in this ..
Write an Article on 10 best soccer nets Topic: 10 best soccer nets Note: At-least 1000 words with good readability. Skills: Write Seo friendly article, Keyword research, used best keywords in ..
Sports Writers Wanted for Racket Sports Hi, We are looking for sports writers for the following sports: - Tennis - Table Tennis - Badminton - Squash - Pickleball - Others like ..
Need a racket sports writer like tennis, badminton, table tennis, squash etc We are looking to hire sports writers for the following sports: - tennis - badminton - squash - table ..