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Sports Team Jobs in Vermont

By City:

Date Location Job title
May 12, 22 Burlington, VT ATHLETICS - BOYS "A TEAM" SOCCER COACH (SY2022/2023) (#3223434)
The Burlington School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer seeking applicants to fill our Hunt Middle School Boys A Soccer coaching vacancy for t...
Nov 14, 22 Burlington, VT GIRLS MS "A TEAM" SOCCER COACH (#3223648)
The Burlington School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer seeking applicants to fill our Edmunds Middle School Girls A Soccer coaching vacancy f...
Nov 14, 22 Burlington, VT GIRLS MS "B TEAM" SOCCER COACH (#3223647)
The Burlington School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer seeking applicants to fill our Edmunds Middle School MS Girls B Soccer coaching vacanc...
May 23, 23 Burlington, VT MS BOYS SOCCER "B TEAM" - EDMUNDS (SY23/24) (#3223819)
The Burlington School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer seeking applicants to fill our Edmunds Middle School Boys Soccer B Team coaching vacan...
Jun 12, 23 Burlington, VT MS "B TEAM" BOYS SOCCER (HUNT) SY23/24 (#3223852)
The Burlington School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer seeking applicants to fill our Hunt Middle School B Team Boys Soccer coaching vacancy ...