Plan your Camping Gear Ahead for a Safe Trip

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Summary: This article is about the important need to think ahead when planning a safe camping trip into the wilderness.

If you are planning to spend some time trekking and camping out in the wilderness, there will be some additional camping gear that you will need to take along with you. If your time away is going to be an extended hike through the great outdoors for several days and you plan on sleeping outdoors, there may be other additional items that you may want to consider adding to your backpack. Instead of rushing out and buying your camping gear at the last minute, plan your camping trip ahead and only purchase the camping gear that you will need. This will give you time to shop around for the best quality at the best price. The amount of camping gear that you will need to take will depend on several factors 1. The length of time you will be away. If it is a short time such as a few days or over night then you will only need a small amount of food and clothing. Cooking can be kept to a minimum. For longer periods away you will have to take more food and better cooking equipment. 2. The time of year is an important consideration. If it is in the summer months then light clothing is all that is required. If it is in the cooler months then you will require heavier, warmer clothing and better rain wear. Remember to always take good quality rainwear regardless of the weather forecast. 3. Are you camping out in the wilderness or are you staying in hikers cabins. This will determine whether you need to carry a suitable tent. Always remember to share your camping gear between your hiking partners to balance the load. The most important piece of camping gear that you will need is your backpack. This needs to be large enough to carry everything that you will need for your time away. Do not buy the cheapest backpack but look for the best one that will sit on your back comfortably. Make sure that it is light enough. Most camping store owners will show you how to adjust the backpack to balance the weight correctly. Another tip is to always use a waterproof pack liner. I have yet to find a pack that will not leak from consistent rain. Take plenty of Food and Water Never make the mistake of loading all of your food for your trek straight out of your pantry into your backpack, such as tinned items or food in a jar. The best food to take is dehydrated meals. Although these meals may not look too appetizing, they will sustain you and they can be a fraction of the weight. Also make sure you take plenty of water. This is important because you need to stay hydrated during your walk and when you camp there may not be any good quality drinking water. Never take away large quantities of basic items such as sugar or salt. If you work out what quantity you need for each meal and then double it you will be surprised how little you need. Make sure that all of your camping gear is in water proof containers or plastic bags. The most important thing is not to pack any unnecessary or heavy items of camping gear that you probably will not use, especially on a short trek away. For those weekend stays away in the wilderness, if you do find something that you left at home, then it doesn't matter. It is only for a day or two and you can not take everything.
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